Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog #11

1.) How aware are the poeple going to the beach of the quality of the water they are swimming in? What can we do to increase this awareness?
I chose this question primarily because I don't think that many of the people who go to the beach on a regular basis actually know much about the quality of the water that they are swimming and surfing in. To answer my question, I would go to several local popular beaches and survey beach-goers about how much they really know about the levels of bacteria in our water.

2.) How does the San Diego water shed work? Why is it so essential to us?I think that this is an interesting question because the water shed is a very important part of our environment and keeps our society functioning properly, but there are many people who don't understand exactly how it functions. To answer this question, I would survey experts on the subject and find areas in which the water shed is taking place.

3.) Does the general level of popularity (the amount of people who regularly visit a certain beach) of a beach make a difference in the quality of the water?
I want to know if a large amount of people in a certain area makes the water more contaminated, so to answer this question I would test the water from different beaches, some that are popular tourist spots and some that are much less popular, and test the results.

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