Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rough draft of opening article for Mentor Interview:

Judging by the job she works at and the cool and calm demeanor that she handles dealing with customers and business associates from different parts of the world, you can automatically assume that Giuliana Schroeder is a woman who has seen and experienced many different cultures. It is a typical Wednesday in the open airy office that Giuliana (or Gigi, as she prefers to be called) does most of her work out of, and she is dressed in casual sweats and comfortable sneakers as she sits cross-legged on a bench and sips her coffee, using her pink Blackberry to record our conversation as I ask her questions about her fascinating background. The main thing that stands out about Giuliana after working with her for some time at the Pro Peninsula office is that she has an extremely laid back personality and handles situations with a mature disposition. It is not so apparent at first, however, how she has grown to handle herself in such a way, but it is clear that she has a long and rich history beneath the surface. “I was raised as a bi-national kid, I have dual citizenship, and moved back and forth between San Diego, Mexico City, and Cuernavaca, Morelos for most of my life…it’s been by encompassing both college studies and travels that I decided to focus my efforts in the environment and education field.” Says Giuliana about the travels and background that lead her to becoming so successful in working with the environmental organization Pro Peninsula that she is with today. When she mentions things about her life growing up, it is inspiring and astonishing, although the way she talks about it makes it all seem very casual and commonplace.

some of the questions that I asked Gigi during the interview:
What were the negative and positive aspects of traveling so often while you were growing up?

What is your favorite part about working for Pro Peninsula?

How did you find out about this job opportunity?

Out of all of the places you have traveled, which stands out the most?

1 comment:

  1. Alia,

    I like how you put a lot of detail to describe your mentor without using an image. and i was able to get a full picture of what your mentor looks like in the scene. You use 1 question from your interview thats makes the paragraph really flow well. I think you can split up this into 2 paragraphs so it is not just one clump. I think you could have put 1 more question into your writing to paint a bigger picture. Arent we suppose to have the answers to our questions at the end?

    But overall i think this is a really good piece of writing that describes a lot about your mentor and the background of her.
