Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog #6

While writing for this project, I discovered that when I write I generally have many good ideas, but the difficult part for me is putting them all together in a way that flows and makes sense. I had several drafts in which I had to revise the organization and order of the paragraphs and ideas. It was very difficult for me to cut down the essay into something that could fit on one page. I also discovered that I'm better at writing about personal stories and experiences of mine. I used many personal references from the past in my essay. I think that this helped me connect more with the reader and improved the writing.
"I visited her when she was hospitalized, watched her memory for a period of two months, and all the while saw her do everything she can to ensure that I have the best life that she can provide for me." I like this sentence because I think it mostly sums up the hardships that my mom and I have been through and her hard work and selflessness.

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