Friday, September 4, 2009

American Icon Sources

This is one of the earliest depictions of Disney's most famous creations, Mickey Mouse. This black and white reel, called "The Mad Doctor", shows a different side of Disney than we are used to. This is an important source of information because it shows the original inspiration and ideas for characters that Disney created such as Mickey Mouse and Pluto, before they became commercialized and stereotyped. It gives a unique insight on Disney's original ideas.

This is the well-known speech given by Walt Disney in which he welcomed everybody to his kingdom of happiness, Disneyland. In this speech Disney describes his feelings of what Disneyland should be and why he created it. There are no better words to describe it. is probably the most complete online source that you could possibly find for everything you need to know about Walt Disney. It is complete with a detailed biography, a short biography, a filmography, animation, Walt Disney quotes, and more. From this, i will learn more about Disney himself, and get a stronger insight into his work.

The legendary pop art created by campbell soup can labels is a perfect example of the way that Warhol was able to create art out of something that noone would have ever thought of using. This piece of work was very contreversial and considered by many to not be art, but was a big part of what made Warhol famous.

Another important source is the movie Factory girl; a movie based on the rise and fall of Eddie Sedgwick and her relationship with Andy Warhol. It is an American biopic based in the 1960s. This movie is an important source because Sedgwick was Andy Warhol's main source of inspiration and muse for much of his work.

"Isn't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves? " This statement made by Warhol basically summarizes his reasoning behind his unique art in the most simple way possible. The style that Warhol is known for is simply taking a picture and multiplying it many times, changing each one as it repeats itself.

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