Tuesday, November 17, 2009

MSB Current Events

1.) http://www.great-lakes.net/teach/pollution/water/water3.html
This is a new website designed to teach people about the severity of the pollution that is currently found in our water. This is a very similar approach to my own in the sense that I want to educate the unknowing public about the dangers of our polluted water and the effects that it can have on them.

Riverpalooza is an effort made to get the community involved in cleaning the local bodies of water. This is a good example of something that should be found in more areas.

3.) http://www.surfridersd.org/hotyb.php
I thought Emilie's "hold on to your butt" article was very interesting, because it is something that the public can so easily control but has turned into the most littered item in the world.

4.) http://www.sandiego.gov/thinkblue/pdf/0609bactiresp.pdf
This is an informational document showing the discovery of the hazardous storm drain draining waste directly into the water at pb point. This is very useful for me, because my subject revolves around the quality of the water in this area.

This article sends a very powerful message about the affects that our pollution can have on us, it tells about the discovery that Canada flushes 200 billion liters of raw sewage directly into natural waterways every year.

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