Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Professional Example

1. I think the most successful element of this work sample is how effective it is at getting the message accross in such a simple way. They illustrate a principle that is well known to many people, especially teens, without actually stating it but instead by showing it in a way that is very clear to its intended audience.

2. The message of this commercial is to be above the influence of drugs, because the purpose of the commercial is made very clear at the end.

3. The intended audience for this commercial is teenagers who are struggling through high school and fitting in and knowing how to stand up to their friends even when there are negative influences and temptations.

4. The music that is played in the background along with the astonishing amount of people who are changing this one boy who does not have the power to stop them all comes together to create a very powerful message.

5. The creator of this video used time lapse in order to make the video effective, which is a very good technique to use when trying to get a point accross. This enabled them to make the video more powerful by showing the boy getting changed by many different people in a very short amount of time.

6. This commercial is one that I watched over a year ago, but was one of the first things that came to my mind when I was trying to find a powerful video. It sends a clear and simple message that is extremely important to our society through a very short video, but gets the point accross very well.

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